Comprehensive Patient Assessment in Bondi Junction, Sydney
Prior to treatment, our practitioners perform an in-depth assessment on each patient to determine the site of pain, identify causative factors, and develop a specific treatment program tailored to each individual.
Our chiropractors and osteopaths thoroughly evaluate the entire individual for biomechanical, muscular, skeletal, neurological, and movement integrity. Utilizing their knowledge, diagnostic skills, and clinical judgment, our practitioners implement the most appropriate treatment strategy. We also collaborate with a trusted network of radiologists, sports doctors, GPs, podiatrists, naturopaths, nutritionists, and other health professionals to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient.
We understand the strong relationship between structural balance (muscles and bones) and body function. Postures such as standing, walking, sitting, and even sleeping have a profound effect on your musculoskeletal function. Therefore, it is critical to evaluate a patient's overall structure from their feet up.
A typical initial session includes:
A thorough history of current and past health issues
A physical assessment, including structural, functional, orthopaedic, and neurological testing
A working diagnosis
A treatment plan and associated prescriptions tailored to the presenting complaint

Start your journey to better health with a comprehensive assessment at Sydney Osteopathy & Chiropractic Centre. Contact us today to schedule your initial session.